About us

We are Roie & Dave and this is our purpose.

Roie needs to keep busy. Anyone who knows her would understand what I’m saying. The business she built is her creative and physical outlet and fits her perfectly.

It started with garage sale furniture she hated to see go to the curb. She would rescue the stray and re-imagine the piece into something beautiful. Sometimes it needed just a facelift but other times a full makeover was in order.

As she evolved so did her technique. Enter chalk painting. From the initial process of painting a piece “from the can” to today’s example of multiple steps of prep, painting, distressing, waxing and more distressing the results speak for themselves. I see a lot of chalk painted furniture and yes I’m biased but Roie’s work is outstanding.

We hope you enjoy the website. We will try to Post now and then and would love to hear what you think. Good Comments will be replied to, all others will be ignored  :>)